Europe’s learners and education personnel are becoming more diverse. The project “Education Trade Unions and Inclusive Schools: Embracing Diversity in Education” is building capacity so that education trade unions can prepare their members to address the many forms of diversity they encounter in the classroom and in society: socioeconomic, cultural, linguistic and more. ETUCE and member organisations aim to support education personnel in creating inclusive learning environments where every student and teacher can achieve their full potential.

Advisory Group

  • Manos Androulakis DOE Greece
  • Alison Gilliland INTO Ireland
  • Conceiçao Nunes SINDEP Portugal
  • Alexandra Cornea FSLI Romania
  • Lyhykäinen Päivi OAJ Finland
  • Dubravko Tomasović IURHEEC Croatia


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The Catalogue of Good Practices on Inclusive Schools supports the extensive work that ETUCE has done in the past years on equality and inclusion in education. The main aim of this Catalogue is to create a resource on building and maintaining sustainable inclusive learning environments in various national and local contexts with the view to provide education trade unions and their affiliates with concrete and innovative tools and methods of social inclusion in the education and teaching profession.

The Catalogue presents a wide range, yet not an exhaustive overview, of inspiring practices that have been gathered in the framework of various ETUCE projects and initiatives. The focus of this Catalogue is on good practices implemented by education trade unions and/or in which they are/have been involved while they are complimented by some examples of national/regional practices and references to European-level projects.

For those good practices in which education trade unions are/were involved, a link is provided to the ETUCE Online Database of Good Practices. This online Database of Good Practices is a living instrument containing detailed descriptions and links to practical initiatives on various topics implemented by the ETUCE member organisations. The aim of the work on good practices is to enhance the effective implementation of ETUCE policies by the ETUCE member organisations on national and regional level.

Catalogue of Good Practices on Inclusive Schools