The ETUCE is coordinating the project IR-EDUREFORM: “Social dialogue and industrial relations in education: the challenges of multi-level governance and of privatisation in Europe”, a new one-year European research project, working in a consortium with the Catholic University of Louvain (Belgium), the University of Naples Federico II (Italy) and the University of Warsaw (Poland).


  • Susan Flocken ETUCE Belgium
  • Paola Cammilli ETUCE Belgium
  • Xavier Dumay UC Louvain Belgium
  • Tore Bernt Sorensen UC Louvain Belgium
  • Juliette Fontaine UC Louvain Belgium
  • Alessandro Arienzo University of Naples Federico II Italy
  • Giuseppe D'Onofrio University of Naples Federico II Italy
  • Claudio Franchi University of Naples Federico II Italy
  • Emiliano Grimaldi University of Naples Federico II Italy
  • Francesca Peruzzo University of Naples Federico II Italy
  • Pietro Sebastianelli University of Naples Federico II Italy
  • Maciej Jakubowski University of Warsaw Poland
  • Tomasz Gajderowicz University of Warsaw Poland
  • Gabriela Grotkowska University of Warsaw Poland

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Three partners have committed themselves to participate in the research project with the applicant organisation – ETUCE. These are: the Catholic University of Louvain (Belgium), the University of Naples Federico II (Italy) and the University of Warsaw (Poland). The composition of the project consortium brings together relevant actors from the academia and the social partners in the education sector, it ensures a geographical spread and respects the countries varying experience within the field.

Research Report

Executive Summary

Glossary of Terms