Case-study visits
APRES COVID: European Sectoral Social Partners in Education Addressing Psychosocial Risks for an Equitable and Sustainable recovery from the COVID-19 crisis APRES COVID is a two-year social dialogue project, seeking to assess the long-term impact of the COVID crisis on the psychosocial risks in the teaching profession and actively promote an equitable and sustainable education-led recovery. The initiative is carried out by the ETUCE and EFEE in partnership with education trade unions and employer organisations from Belgium, Malta, Portugal, and Slovenia. The project features three case-study visits, a training seminar, and a final conference.
Projects and Tools
YOUR TURN! Teachers for Trade Union Renewal (2018-2020)
Activities Your Turn!
ESSDE partners promoting migrant and refugee integration (2017-2019)
EU CONVINCE project – EU Common Values Inclusive Education (2018-2020)
OiRA project – Online Interactive Risk Assessment tool
Empowering education trade unions to address gender equality in the teaching profession through social dialogue (2018-2019)
ETUCE Online Database of Good Practices
Education Trade Unions and Inclusive Schools: Embracing Diversity in Education (2019-2021)
e-Speed (2020-2021)
Privatisation and Industrial Relations (2020-2021)
Activities IR-EDUREFORM Project
Education for Social Change: The role of Education Trade Unions in addressing sustainable environmental development (2021-2022)
Attractiveness of the Teaching Profession (2021-2023)
ELNE : European Leadership Network Europe
ETU4REF: Education Trade Unions support the inclusion of refugees and migrant (2023-2025)
Your Turn 2: Teachers for Trade Union Renewal
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The project features 1.5-day case-study visits in Slovenia, Portugal, and Malta to delve deeper into topics identified through the project survey and research. The activities encompass field study visits in education institutions, engaging with teachers, school administrators, school leaders and other education personnel to address the tangible effects of psychological risks and explore best practices to improve the working conditions and mental health of teachers and education personnel. Additionally, the case-study visits foresee a social dialogue meeting with relevant social partners at various levels to explore potential social dialogue actions to prevent and combat psychological risks in education.