APRES COVID: European Sectoral Social Partners in Education Addressing Psychosocial Risks for an Equitable and Sustainable recovery from the COVID-19 crisis  APRES COVID is a two-year social dialogue project, seeking to assess the long-term impact of the COVID crisis on the psychosocial risks in the teaching profession and actively promote an equitable and sustainable education-led recovery. The initiative is carried out by the ETUCE and EFEE in partnership with education trade unions and employer organisations from Belgium, Malta, Portugal, and Slovenia. The project features three case-study visits, a training seminar, and a final conference.  


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The project’s research activities include an online survey among ETUCE and EFEE member organisations (EN/FR/RU), as well as desk research to complement the acquisition of in-depth knowledge and scientific evidence. The research aims to:   

  • Identify the long-term impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on occupational health and safety in the education sector, with particular attention to magnified and emerging psychosocial risks in the aftermath of the COVID-19 crisis.  
  • Assess the effectiveness and implementation of the Joint Practical Guidelines on How to Promote Joint Social Partner Initiatives at European, National, Regional and Local Level to Prevent and Combat Psychosocial Hazards in Education (2016).  
  • Mapping good practices from education social partners at a national, regional, and local level, to support the review of the Joint Guidelines by responding to the needs of teachers, academics, other education personnel, school leaders and education employers in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.