Answering to the soaring level of digitalisation in society and the education sector, not at least due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the European Trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE) and the European Federation of Education Employers (EFEE) aim to work towards an education environment that embraces digitalisation and is beneficial to students, teachers, trainers, school leaders and education personnel alike. This project allows for a joint reflection on the potentials of the digital era as a resource for the education sector beyond the pandemic. 


AG members

  • Anders Pors GL Denmark
  • Anca Sipos Alma Mater Romania
  • Valeria Mallia MUT Malta
  • Barbara Schweighofer-Maderbacher GÖD Austria

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The Final Conference of the project organised on 14 and 15 October 2021 in Brussels and online brings together education social partners, stakeholders and policy makers in education to discuss the challenges and opportunities concerning digitalisation in education.

Combining a dynamic hybrid format with the use of innovative digital technologies, the Conference is the occasion to unveil the outcomes of the project and the findings of the research report 'Challenges and opportunities for the education sector in the digital era’. Drawing lessons from the experience of emergency remote teaching during the COVID-19 crisis, participants have the opportunity to reflect on the needs of education personnel, school leaders and education employers to implement inclusive digital education and the opportunities deriving for European policies and the Recovery in the education sector.

The Conference also shines a spotlight on the importance of social dialogue to ensure quality and inclusive education in the digital era. ETUCE and EFEE member organisations share views and experiences from their national contexts. Besides, the event includes the première of the project film, a key-note speech on addressing the role of education in the digital age and a panel discussion on the pedagogical potential and ethical concerns of Artificial Intelligence in education.

Registration for the Conference are open until 3 September 2021.