Answering to the soaring level of digitalisation in society and the education sector, not at least due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the European Trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE) and the European Federation of Education Employers (EFEE) aim to work towards an education environment that embraces digitalisation and is beneficial to students, teachers, trainers, school leaders and education personnel alike. This project allows for a joint reflection on the potentials of the digital era as a resource for the education sector beyond the pandemic. 


AG members

  • Anders Pors GL Denmark
  • Anca Sipos Alma Mater Romania
  • Valeria Mallia MUT Malta
  • Barbara Schweighofer-Maderbacher GÖD Austria

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A survey launched the project research, which was targeted at ETUCE and EFEE’s member organisations to develop a joint understanding on how to address common challenges and harness potential opportunities in the education sector. Based on the survey results two online case study visits were conducted at two education institutions in Denmark and Romania.

The findings of both the case study visits, and the initial project survey will be integrated in a final research report which will be presented at the Final Project Conference on 14-15 October 2021.

Research Report - Executive Summary

Research Report