Building on the findings of the joint ETUCE – EFEE project “European Sectoral Social Partners in Education promoting effective integration of migrants and refugees in education” (2017-2019), the project ‘In and Through Education: Education Trade Unions support the inclusion of refugees and migrants’ aims to further build the capacity of the education trade unions on providing specific support to their affiliates regarding the inclusion of refugees and migrants in the education system, and linking it to the attractiveness of the teaching profession. The project also seeks to address the specificities of the refugees from Ukraine.

Advisory Group

  • Ana Simões FENPROF Portugal
  • Dorota Obidniak ZNP Poland
  • Juraj Stodolovský OZŠ Slovakia
  • İlker Akcasoy EGITIM-SEN Turkey
  • Maeve Mc Cafferty INTO Ireland


In the framework of the project, desk research combined with an online survey among ETUCE member organisations (EN/FR/RU) provide important findings to identify the major challenges faced by the education sector and education workers in regard to the inclusion of refugees and migrants, in different national and local contexts in Europe, including the link to economic (e.g. housing, access to health services), social, and political issues (e.g. right-wing movement and nationalist tendencies); and to match them with specific support provided by the education trade unions, including in the context of trade union organising and attractive teaching profession.

The project research aims: 

  • to identify the main challenges and needs of the teaching profession in the context of the national education system across Europe regarding the inclusion of refugees and migrants in education and the impact of the big intake of refugees and migrants on teachers’ and other education personnel’s working conditions;
  • to identify specific professional needs of teachers, academics and other education personnel regarding the inclusion of refugee learners in the education system;
  • to identify education trade unions’ actions and practices on supporting and building the capacity and knowledge of their affiliates to address the inclusion of refugees and migrants in the education systems.